In Malawi, 90% of the population live off-grid, and rural women suffer from health hazards smoke cooking, and increased costs of fuelwood. At Footsteps Africa, we promote a rural woman-centered design Rocket Stove made from locally available materials. This enables rural off-grid women to cook without smoke while standing and with less fuelwood. To date, we have trained 20 local Rocket Stove Promoters who educate other women on the benefits of using our Mayi Rocket Stove.
Our smart cooking using the Mayianga Rocket Stove has benefited 120 Households with clean smokeless cooking and household energy savings by 40%
We are promoting a low-cost Rocket Stove that was designed by the Women in our Project area
Our user centered design approach to smart cooking ensure its women’s ideas, views and experiences that shape the design of our Rocket Stoves
Replicating Smart Cooking Skills for Women
Women taking a leading role in the design and manufacturing of Mud Rocket Stove