In our project areas, the economic restrictions and uncertainties brought by Covid-19 has pushed poor households into further income poverty due to loss of livelihoods and increased health costs. We are responding by working hand in hand with extension workers from the Ministry of Health in the village. To date, we have trained 20 COVID-19 Village Health Promoters who are promoting messages on handwashing with soap, and installation of Tippy Taps in 20 villages. We have also distributed posters, brochures, T-Shirts with messages on Covid-19 prevention. In addition, we have distributed face masks, soap, sanitizers, and hand-washing facilities to the most vulnerable poor families. To ensure a sustainable supply of affordable soap, we have trained Tikondane Savings Group for Food and income for women to start making affordable Soap.
Our COVID-19 response has reached out to 20 villages with a population of 9800 with correct COVID-19 prevention messages and PPEs.